Review: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

“The thing about Lulu and me is that we’re at once incompatible and really close. We can have a great time but also hurt each other deeply. […] Jed has never understood how one minute Lulu and I will be screaming death threats at each other, and the next minute we’ll be lying in bed, Lulu’s arms wrapped around me, talking about violins or reading and laughing together.” page 116

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua.
Penguin, New York, 2011.
Adult nonfiction, 244 pages.
Not leveled.

The story of a mother who tries to apply strict Chinese parenting techniques to her American daughters and finds that she’s making all of them miserable.

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua.

Just as I’m working on my goal of trying to write negative and neutral reviews (and thus be able to pass along those books and clear shelves), I was given books by a few different acquaintances. This was exciting as new-to-me books always are, and it was frustrating because there were far more books incoming than outgoing on these review shelves! So I did a push to read and review several in order to keep things moving. Among them were some Amy Chua books, and this was the earliest published so I gave it a try.

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