Web: Simone Biles

For the last little bit I’ve been thinking about occasionally sharing websites that relate to the books or topics I’m writing about as well, so here is a new category: Website Wednesday.  I won’t be doing this every week, just as I feel there is something I want to share or remember for later.

Having just reviewed Simone Biles’ new autobiography, I thought I would start off by sharing a few of my favorite sites/articles about her.  There is a lot available, this is just the tip of the iceberg!

The New York Times has a great interactive journalistic piece, which, if it will load on your computer, does a nice job breaking down why exactly Simone Biles is the best gymnast in the world, with lots of videos and commentaries.

NPR has a short interview with her which I enjoyed.

ESPN has a rare interview with her mom that gave additional perspective on her life.

And of course, you can order the book or read the first chapter from her website.